Hello again.
You've heard of Debbie does Dallas right? Well this week we have a variation. Join us as we set of on the Pinky Tuscadero does Tassie tour.
Those of you that know my long suffering wife Samantha, will be well aware of how accommodating she is when I decide at the drop of hat to drain the family bank account and head of to all corners of the world in my quest for world domination. She never complains when I wake upon the middle of the night and tell her of my plans to head of into the desert just because it seems like a good idea at the time. You never hear a whimper when I set off my spot tracker and she has to drive out in pissing down rain to winch me out of a flooded river. Nor does she belly ache when she discovers that I have maxed out the credit card on that must have widget for one of the bikes. So when she mentioned that she would like to go on a ride where she is actually riding rather than sitting on the back or waiting patiently at home for the police to ring, who was I to deny her?
So one night out in the desert when drunk I inadvertently mentioned this to to my great mate Thommo (aka Scrawn AKA Ranga) and a plan was tentatively put into place. What was that plan I hear you ask dear reader.? Well seeing as Sam is a complete gumby when it comes to motor skills, there was no way I would let her loose on a full size bike, but as she actually rides a postie bike to work most days of the week, it was decided that a tour of Tassie on the posties was in order. This was actually easier to put into practice than normal, seeing as I forgot to bring my postie home from the Moto GP last year and it was sitting at Thommos house in Melbourne just waiting to be set loose again. As it happens it appears that my postie and the Rangas postie had been breeding and somehow or other another Postie has materialised in Thommos garage.
So with the bikes sorted we set about preparing for the bike ride. This involved me totally forgetting about it until earlier this week and Samantha doing her nails. Check them out.
Fortunately the scrawn was on the ball and he has spent the last few months quietly toiling away in his shed with a couple of Oompaloompahs getting the bikes ready to go.
So anyway the day has arrived and it was an early start.
Brissie airport was a hive of activity.
Melbourne looked its usual glorious self as we jetted in. That's it in the distance through the smog.
We had a short stopover in Melbourne,
where I taught Sam the finer points of adventure gluttony and nose in the trough etiquette for factory postie riders.
Meanwhile back in Melbourne the service crew were getting ready to board the big red tinny for their crossing across bass straight. The ute which is normally used for picking up smoko orders was loaded up with bikes and all manner of other equipment.
Along with the Scrawn we shall be joined by his lovely partner Sandy, who has decided to leave her Hayabusa and DR at home and will drive the support ute for a few days.
As you can see Scrawn has let himself go
So it's shaping up to be a great few days. Although we have absolutely no plans in place We are really looking forward to catching up with some friends and generally have a look around.
Spot tracker will be here after tomorrow.
If by chance you happen to see the help signal go off, please don't call the police like what happened last time. They get a bit snakey if you drag them away from their donuts.
So hope you enjoy following us along. I will be getting Sam to post her thoughts on this trip as well, so that should be interesting. I hope.
Feeling very excited about this. Also feeling very nervous but the wine is helping to settle the nerves.
I know I am in good hands with Thommo and Sandy. (Guy I'm not so sure about)
Not sure where we will end up, but hopefully not in hospital.
Am definitely up for the challenge though. Hope you enjoy following us along.
Pinky x